Common Misconceptions about Restorative Justice

Posted on: 18th, October 2024

Restorative Justice can be an incredibly powerful process to take part in for victims and offenders, but there are, unfortunately, many misconceptions about the practice. If you’re considering taking part, making sure you’re fully informed can help ease your mind and help you decide whether it’s the right approach for you. 

Restorative Justice is the ‘soft’ option

Restorative Justice seeks to help victims take back a sense of control and gain a sense of closure from the experience, as well as help offenders see the effects of their actions and put the crime behind them. The process seeks to hold the offender accountable in a way that is meaningful to the victim and it does not result in a lighter sentence for the offender as Restorative Justice takes place after a sentence has been given. 

Restorative Justice is only appropriate for “minor” offences 

No crimes are off limits for Restorative Justice and it can be used for any type of crime as long as both parties (the victim and offender) agree to take part. Restorative Justice can be a beneficial process for small offences and even the most serious of crimes, such as murder and abuse, and anything in between. 

Each case is handled on an individual basis with specially-trained facilitators working with the victim and offender to make the process safe and secure to achieve the best possible outcome. 

Restorative Justice requires forgiveness

There have been many cases where the offender apologises and the victim expresses forgiveness which is fantastic, but this is not required or expected. The purpose of Restorative Justice is to bring the victim and offender into open communication in a safe, facilitated environment. 

Giving the victim the chance to ask questions about the crime and letting the offender see the victim as a real person and the real impact of their crime. Not only does this help reduce symptoms of anxiety, stress, depression and PTSD for the victim, but taking part in Restorative Justice can also reduce reoffending rates by 27% (Sherman/Strang 2007). 

Restorative Justice has to take place face to face 

If it is established that a face to face meeting is not the right approach for the victim and offender, indirect Restorative Justice can be done. This can be facilitated through phone calls, video calls, letter writing, emails or passing on messages through a third party. 

If you have been affected by a crime and think Restorative Justice is the right step for you, be sure to get in touch with us. 

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Case Studies

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A Sexual Abuse Case

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A Street Robbery

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A Traffic Offence Case

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Conditional Cautions and Restorative Justice

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Death By Dangerous Driving

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Death by Dangerous Driving: Tara & Oliver

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Street Robbery

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Street Robbery

Jemma was referred to Restorative Solutions by Victim Services in July 2019.  She had been the victim of a robbery.  The offender – Ale...

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What People Say About Restorative Justice

The restorative justice process has made me really think about the consequences of my actions.

John, offender

Restorative Justice has really helped. It has given me closure, and I feel much more positive.

Lucy, burglary victim

Now we can get on with our lives without the burden of what happened grinding us down.

Abuse victim

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